Available packages¶
CLAID is built on flexibility. CLAID packages are bundled as AAR, pub and pip packages, requiring only a single line of code to add new packages to existing projects. Once you installed a package, you can simply use the contained Modules from code-free configuration files. Click here on how to use CLAID packages. To learn more about individual packages and what Modules and functionality they provide, click on the package you are intersted in.
AI Models and Algorithms¶

Cough Detection
The cough detection package provides ML algorithms for determining nocturnal cough frequency from audio data. This package includes Modules for real-time cough detection and cough frequency monitoring.

Biological Age Estimation
This package offers ML algorithms for estimating biological age based on various physiological and health-related parameters, such as phyiscal activity, heart rate and core body temperature.

TensorFlow Lite
The TensorFlow Lite enables to deploy tensorFlow Lite models on mobile devices. Deploy your models without additional coding. Simply move your model files into your application, and load the TensorFlowLiteModule from the configuration file.

Mobile Python AI
The Mobile Python AI package provides a Python environment on mobile devices, enabling the use of established ML models and algorithms directly on Android and WearOS.
Data Collection¶

Samsung Galaxy Watch
The GalaxyWatchCLAID package enables data collection from Samsung Galaxy Watches using the Samsung Privileged Health SDK. This package provides Modules for accessing various sensors and health data, including raw acceleration and heart rate data, continuous oxygen saturation measurements and sleep data.

Polar Verity Sense
The PolarCLAID package enables seamless integration with Polar devices, particularly the Polar Verity Sense. This package provides Modules for collecting various physiological data, including heart rate, acceleration, and PPG (Photoplethysmography) signals.

The GreenTEG CLAID package enables integration with greenTEG CORE body temperature sensors. This package provides Modules for collecting continuous core body temperature data, enabling various health and performance monitoring applications.
Active use¶

MIR Spirometer
This package enables integration with MIR spirometry devices. It provides Modules and Visulaizations for collecting various measurements, including FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second), FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), and other important lung function parameters.

BOSCH Vivatmo me
The BOSCH Vivatmo me package allows seamless integration with the BOSCH Vivatmo me device for measuring exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). This package provides Modules for collecting and analyzing FeNO data, which is crucial for monitoring airway inflammation in conditions such as asthma.