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A Schedule is a data type used to define when certain actions or data collections should occur. A Schedule can describe tasks to be executed periodically, at a specific time, or both. Further, you can define during which time frime during a day a Schedule should be active etc.

Schedules in Modules

Modules typically use Schedules as a property, and then register functions based on that Schedule, allowing the user to precisely control when certain actions or data collections should occur. See below.


A Schedule consists of two main components:

  1. Periodic schedules (periodic): A list of periodic Schedules, i.e., periods or frequencies at which rate to execute.
  2. Exact time schedules (timed): A list of exact time Schedules, i.e., specific times to execute.

An empty Schedule looks as follows:

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [],
    "timed": []

Periodic Schedules

Periodic schedules define recurring events based on a specified time interval. They can be set using different time units such as minutes, seconds, or frequency in Hertz. Each periodic schedule is an object within the periodic array.

A periodic schedule can have the following properties:

  • period_milliseconds: Defines the interval in milliseconds.
  • period_seconds: Defines the interval in seconds.
  • period_minutes: Defines the interval in minutes.
  • period_hours: Defines the interval in hours.
  • period_days: Defines the interval in days.
  • frequency_Hz: Defines the frequency in Hertz (events per second).
  • frequency_kHz: Defines the frequency in kHz (events per millisecond).
  • frequency_MHz: Defines the frequency in MHz (events per microsecond).
  • only_active_between_time_frame: Optional. Specifies a time frame during which the schedule is active (e.g., between 12:00 and 18:00).
  • first_execution_time_of_day: Optional. Specifies the first execution time of the day. E.g., if the schedule is set to execute every 5 minutes, the first execution time of the day could be at 12:00.


Example for Periodic Schedules

The following shows an example for a Schedule which will execute every 5 minutes.

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [{
        "period_minutes": 5
    "timed": []

You can, of course, also combine multiple periodic schedules. For example, the following Schedule will execute every 5 minutes and every 10 seconds.

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [
            "period_minutes": 5
            "period_seconds": 10
    "timed": []

You can also define time windows during which a periodic schedule is active. For example, the following allows you to define a measurement period of 5 minutes, which is only active between 22:00 at night to 08:30 in the morning.

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [
            "period_minutes": 5,
                    "hour": 22
                    "hour": 8,
                    "minute": 30
    "timed": []

Exact Time Schedules

Exact time schedules define specific events that occur at an exact specified time. A timed schedule can have the following properties:

  • time_of_day: Defines the time of day when the schedule should be executed.
  • repeat_every_n_days: Optional. Specifies the interval in days for the schedule to repeat (e.g., every 2 days).


Example for Exact Time Schedules

The following shows an example for a Schedule which will executes at 12:30 every two days.

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [],
    "timed": [{
        "time_of_day": {
            "hour": 12,
            "minute": 30,
            "repeat_every_n_days": 2

You can, of course, also combine multiple timed schedules. For example, the following Schedule will execute at 12:30 every two days and at 15:00 every three days.

"schedule": {
    "periodic": [],
    "timed": [
            "time_of_day": {
                "hour": 12,
                "minute": 30,
                "repeat_every_n_days": 2
            "time_of_day": {
                "hour": 15,
                "minute": 00,
                "repeat_every_n_days": 3

Combined Schedules

You can combine an arbitrary number of periodic and timed schedules. The following example shows a Schedule which will execute every 5 minutes, 50 times per second, every 10 seconds between 12:00 and 18:00, at 12:30 every day, and at 15:00 every two days.


Example Schedule

The following shows an example Schedule with 5 entries:

  • It will execute every 5 minutes
  • It will execute 50 times per second, i.e., every 20 ms
  • It will execute every 10 seconds between 12:00 and 18:00
  • It will execute at 12:30 every day
  • It will execute at 15:00 every two days
"schedule": {
    "periodic": [
            "period_minutes": 5
            "frequency_Hz" : 50
            "period_seconds": 10,
            "only_active_betwen_time_frame" : {
                "start_time_of_day": {
                    "hour": 12,
                    "minute": 00,
                "stop_time_of_day": {
                    "hour": 18,
                    "minute": 00
    "timed": [
            "time_of_day": {
                "hour": 12,
                "minute": 30,
                "repeat_every_n_days": 1
            "time_of_day": {
                "hour": 15,
                "minute": 00,
                "repeat_every_n_days": 2

Using Schedules in Modules

Schedules provide a very convenient way to define when certain actions or data collections of a CLAID Module should occur. From a Module, you can specify a Schedule as property of the Module, and then simply register functions based on that Schedule. This only requires two lines of code:

Using a Schedule in a Module

Consider the following configuration file for a Module of type MyModule:

    "hosts": [{
        "hostname": "MyHost",
        "modules": [{
            "id": "SomeModule",
            "type": "MyModule",
            "properties": {
                "mySchedule": {
                    "periodic": [{
                        "period_minutes": 5

You can define the class MyModule as follows, to register functions based on a Schedule.

class MyModule extends Module 
    // Register a function to be executed based on the Schedule
    public void initialize(Properties properties) 
        Schedule schedule = properties.getObjectProperty("mySchedule");
        registerFunctionBasedOnSchedule("MyScheduledFunction", schedule, () -> myFunction());

private void myFunction() 
    // This function will be executed based on the Schedule.
// Register a function to be executed based on the Schedule

class MyModule : public Module 
    void initialize(Properties properties) 
        Schedule schedule = properties.getObjectProperty("mySchedule");
        registerFunctionBasedOnSchedule("MyScheduledFunction", schedule,  &MyModule::myFunction, this);

    void myFunction() {
        // This function will be executed based on the Schedule.
class MyModule(Module):
    # Register a function to be executed based on the Schedule
    def initialize(self, properties):
        self.schedule = properties.get_object_property("mySchedule")
        self.register_function_based_on_schedule("my_scheduled_function", schedule, self.my_function)

    def my_function(self):
        # This function will be executed based on the Schedule.