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Welcome to the CLAID tutorial series! In these tutorials, we'll provide you with step-by-step instructions on setting up and using CLAID. On the following pages, you will find out how to create applications with CLAID for collecting data and deploying AI models. We will also show you how you can create your own CLAID packages and contribute to our community!

Check out the tutorial overview

Tutorial 01: Setting up an application with CLAID

In this tutorial, we will guide you in integrating CLAID into Android, WearOS and iOS applications. You can either integrate CLAID into any of your existing applications, or start from one of our template applications. Both options are covered in the subsequent tutorials.

  1. Using CLAID with a Flutter application
  2. Using CLAID with an Android or WearOS application
  3. Using CLAID with an iOS application

Tutorial 02: Data collection and streaming

In this Tutorial, we cover how you can use CLAID to collect data on Mobile devices. The tutorial is structured into two parts:

Tutorials 2.1 to 2.4 are meant for beginners. You learn how to use existing Modules for Data Collection with CLAID, and how you can write configurations for Data Collection. This part does not require any programming.

Tutorials 2.5 to 2.7 are intermediate tutorials and might require some programming. They show how you can create your own Sensor Modules, stream Data between devices, and how you can use PyCLAID to directly process and visualize incoming data.

Tutorial 03: Deploying AI models with CLAID


Tutorial 04: Creating your own CLAID packages

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create your first simple CLAID application using your preferred language among the currently supported ones (C++, Java, Python). First, we explain how to set up support for your desired languages by installing the corresponding CLAID packages (e.g., JavaCLAID or PyCLAID) and how to implement a simple "Hello World application". Afterward, we will cover inidividual aspects of CLAID Modules such as configurations, properties and communication via channels. See the following for reference:

  • Tutorial 3: Hello world application
    • Tutorial 3.1a: Hello world application in C++
    • Tutorial 3.1b: Hello world application in Java
    • Tutorial 3.1c: Hello world application in Python
  • Tutorial 3.2: Learn how to use XML configurations to load and combine Modules.
  • Tutorial 3.3: Learn how to define properties for Modules and how they can be specified from the configuraiton.
  • Tutorial 3.4: Learn how to exchange data between Modules.